Little Daisy Wholesale

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wholesale Crochet Knit Headwraps

Crochet Headwraps!
Available now!!!

These are the biggest thing this winter.....everyone has them but where are they getting them???? Teens and moms alike all want these headwraps and they want one of each color. So far, they are hard to find wholesale! You can find them here! We have both the thicker crochet bands (handmade with thicker thread and a bit wider in width) and the thinner bands. (handmade with thinner thread and a bit thinner in width).
Thick Headwraps

Thick wrap available colors: Red, Hot Pink, Burgunday, Mustard. Restocking feb 6th.

Thick headwraps in tonal colors (the thread on the edging is a darker color than the rest of the headwrap. pics available soon) Available: Red, Hot Pink, Coffee


Thin Headwraps

Thin Headwrap Available colors: Black, Ivory & Natural, Hot Pink, Purple.....(coming end of jan.... grey) restocking feb 5th.

1 headwrap $15.00 each

1/2 dozen headwraps $13.00 each

1 dozen headwraps $10.00 each ($9.00 after discount)

REMEMBER: If you spend $125 you get 10% off, so if you purchase 1 dozen headwraps they end up being $9.00 after the discount!!!!!!!!!! If you spend $250 (25wraps) they end up being $8 each!!!! WOW